Highschool & Beyond

You can find resources for teens in each of the other categories under the Resources Links page. Here we have listed specific resources with a focus on study and exam skills, career exploration, and teen development programmes. Also check out our University Entrance page for qualification options.

CareerQuest (NZ quiz to match jobs with interests)

CliftonStrengths (online personality strengths assessment)

Driving Tests (free NZ road code quizzes for all types of vehicles)

Duke of Edinburgh (Hillary Award) programme (for ages 14-25yrs)

Hillary Outdoors Discovery Challenge for Homeschooled Students aged 14-18yrs - NCHENZ Partnership

Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology (research paper published online)

Massey University: Tips for Study skills, and Exam and test study

Massey University: Micro-credentials (free, online courses in academic reading, writing, critical thinking, and numeracy)

No Brain Too Small (free NZ website with with revision support for NCEA Levels 1-3 science, Year 9 & 10 science, IGCSE combined science, biology, chemistry and physics)

Open Polytechnic: Study tips and techniques (very useful tips on how to study, on memorisation, and on sitting exams)

PeaceJam Curricular Programs (inspiration by Nobel Peace Laureates)

Six Strategies for Effective Learning

Spirit of Adventure (voyages at sea, sailing programmes)

The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips (YouTube video)

The Great Brain Robbery (free interactive website for teens exploring brain development and the effect of substances on the brain)

Toastmasters NZ (communication and leadership)

UN Youth NZ

Youth Guarantee (vocational pathways for ages 16-17yrs)