Legal Disputes regarding Homeschooling

In our efforts to support and advocate for home educating families in Aotearoa NZ, NCHENZ sought a legal opinion from Wellington law firm Rainey Collins in 2023.

The opinion examines the laws and legal issues regarding a parent’s right to apply for an exemption and/or home educate when the ex-partner is not supportive of homeschooling.

We are making this legal opinion available to be read or downloaded in its entirety. We hope it is of assistance to home educators in our community facing challenges in this area.

Law firm Rainey Collins have since published two articles containing legal advice regarding other aspects of home education:

The firm has also published information about a recent court decision of relevance:

This case is an important legal precedent and should be shared with any home educating families in similar situations and with their lawyers.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, please do not hesitate to contact NCHENZ. We will do our best to assist and support you in any way we can.