Social Studies, History, Geography, Languages
Crash Course: World History (free YouTube channel with world history content)
DuoLingo (free language courses)
FSI Language Courses (free language courses developed by the US Foreign Service Institute)
Galloping the Globe, by Loree Pettit and Dari Mullins [book] (geography based curriculum covering all seven continents)
GeoGuessr: Let’s explore the world! (free travel and learning game)
Geography Through Art, by Sharon Jeffus and Jamie Aramini [book] (international art projects for kids)
Google Earth (free geographic information)
Kea Kids News (free NZ kids news show with worksheets)
Kids Discover (online platform for children aged about 7-14yrs) - NCHENZ members receive a discount, see the Members Area
Maori Language (free, NZ website)
NZ History Online (free NZ website)
Old Western Culture (faith-based, key texts of Western literature)
Open Culture: Learn 46 languages online and for free (list of websites that offer free language courses)
Seeing is Believing (Paralympic Education Programme designed to challenge learners from years 1-6 to take steps towards growing a more inclusive Aotearoa)
Seterra (free map quiz game)
Sign Ninja (learn, practice and explore the language of the Deaf community of NZ)
Story of the World series, by Susan Wise Bauer [book] (human history from ancient times to present)
Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of NZ (free NZ website)
Wai Ako (online Te Reo Maori resource for primary aged children) – email to ask about a discount for homeschoolers
World Atlas (world maps, atlases, and geographic information)
Youngzine: News + more for the young (free current affairs website for children)