Apologia (creation-based science courses)
Crash Course (free YouTube channel with content covering chemistry, ecology and biology)
Fun Science Experiments for Kids: Cool projects and easy ideas for children (NZ website, free)
Homeschool Astronomy (curriculum with some free content)
House of Science (library of bilingual science kits for their member groups to borrow; join a local House of Science branch to access these)
I. Science MaTe (free online science courses in life cycle, water cycle, rocks, universe, and plate tectonics)
Kids Discover (online platform for children aged about 7-14yrs) - NCHENZ members receive a discount, see the Members Area
LEARNZ is a gateway to virtual field trips which take students to remote places all over Aotearoa, Antarctica and beyond through online video, audio feeds, and associated activities (NZ website, free)
Mystery Science (standards-aligned, hands-on curriculum that teaches children how to think like scientists - can often get a free trial for up to a year)
National Geographic Kids (free games, animals, photos, stories, etc)
NZ Birds Online: The digital encyclopedia of NZ birds (NZ website, free)
NZ Labratory Education (NZ government-funded specialist provider of laboratory education, free or minimal fees)
PhET Interactive Simulations (free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations)
Precious Metals (collection of links exploring gold, silver and other metals as well as the periodic table)
Royal Society resources (free educational resources that support the national curriculum, NZ website)
Science Award Trust (activity challenges, certificates and badges for ages 7-14yrs)
Science For Home Educators (physics and chemistry courses run by a home educator)
SPCA Education Programme (free online animal welfare education with homeschoolers in mind, NZ website, free)
StudyJams: Science (free educational website covering plants, animals, human body, ecosystems, geology, weather, solar system, matter, motion, and energy)
The Happy Scientist (study units on life, earth, chemical, space and physical sciences; some free content)
The Story of Science: Aristotle leads the way, by Joy Hakim [book]
Virtual Incredible Science (University of Auckland website, free)