Health & Wellbeing

Amaze for Parents (US based free website providing medically accurate, age-appropriate, affirming, and honest sex education)

Delia Online Cookery School (recipes, menus, and cooking inspiration)

Garden to Table (NZ organisation supporting children to learn how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal food)

Heart Foundation (free NZ website offering lesson plans, hands-on cooking skills, and guides on nutrition and physical activity)

Kids Sewing Projects (free website with over 100 projects for children from age 4yrs+)

Mental Health Foundation resources for schools (free NZ website, resources mostly for the adult to support a child)

Ministry of Education (NZ Curriculum information about relationships and sexuality education)

Sex Positive Talks to Have With Kids: A guide to raising sexually healthy, informed, empowered young people by Melissa Pintor Carnagey [book]

Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa (free NZ website, resources for sexual health discussions)

Sparklers at Home (NZ website, free wellbeing programme and resource for students and whānau)

SPCA Education Programme (free online animal welfare education programme that aims to improve animal lives by nurturing the young hearts and minds) - NCHENZ partnership

Sport NZ (NZ website, resources to help provide quality physical activity and sport experiences)

Student Wellbeing Hub (Australian Department of Education website, free resources for parents to support student wellbeing)

The Great Brain Robbery (free interactive website for teens exploring brain development and the effect of substances on the brain)

The Kids Cook Monday (lots of recipes and ideas for kids to cook)

The Period Game (award-winning board game with a focus on learning about menstruation)

These are My Eyes, This is My Nose, This is My Vulva, These are My Toes by Lexx Brown James [book]