Curriculum Bundles


Cathy Duffy Reviews (reviews on an extensive range of homeschool curriculum resources)


CanTeach Elementary Resources

Carnegie Mellon University: Open learning initiative

Coursera: Take the world’s best courses, online, for free (for ages 13yrs+)

e-Learning for Kids


Khan Academy: A free world-class education for anyone anywhere

TES Connect


BrainPOP Jr (educational movies, quizzes and lessons for ages 3-13yrs)

Calvert Home School (complete curriculum by nonprofit secular organisation)

Enki Education (Waldorf inspired curriculum)

Functional Education (online NZ classroom lessons using the best of Waldorf Steiner, Montessori and enquiry teaching methods)

LearnWell (over 300 print and digital resources for Years 1-13)

Oak Meadow (Waldorf influenced curriclum)

Skoolbo (online curriculum including Reading and Phonics, Writing, Maths, Times Tables, Languages, Science and Geography, STEM, Music, Art, Story Time, Financial Literacy, and Brain Games - for 3-10yrs) - NCHENZ members receive a special subscription rate, see the Members Area

Studyladder (sequential learning program that includes videos, interactive activities, worksheets and assessments - for ages 5-12yrs)


A Beka Academy: Excellence in education from a Christian perspective

Accelerated Christian Curriculum (ACE)

Christian Education Services (online bookshop with a selection of Christian educational resources)

Discover! (complete curriculum written by Christians who are trained educators. Years 1 & 2 are free)

Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool: A complete free online Christian curriculum

My Homeschool (a complete Charlotte Mason inspired curriculum using Australian and New Zealand content)

Sonlight (Christian home education curriculum company)